Wednesday 19 December 2012

       I’ve had enough. Really, if anyone points out the fact that I’m PAINFULLY thin again, I swear, I’ll scream. People just don’t seem to notice the fact that I certainly didn’t create myself or that I eat like any normal THIN girl wishing to get fat would [at least I try as much as possible]. Sure, everyone wishes to stand out in a crowd, but I sure don’t want this kind of difference.
It’s been a year, two months, three weeks and a day since I’ve been admitted into this dreary, dull university. If u’re the outgoing, fun loving and lively type, you’ll feel like banging your head against the wall after spending a week or two, I’m not exaggerating, it’s simply the truth. But I thank my stars am living in the town [a benefit of coming in in the first list], it’s even worse in the hostel, it’s like living in a convent. Picture this, your father or uncle or brother or any male wants to visit you, he sure can’t see you in your room, you have to go out. It’s crazy, aint it? But that’s just the way it is….but living off campus has its perks, never mind that the capital is as dull as watching your grandpa grow bald. Just the other week, there was a peeping tom at my window. It was on a hot dry afternoon, the kind of weather that makes you strip, and strip I did and was lying on my bed trying to pass away the dull day in sleep. My roomate was doing same, everything was going on as dully as before until I heard my roomate shouting,
‘ hey! Who’s at the window, and what the heck are you doing?!
Then the creep answered,
‘I’m doing something’
‘ don’t you have a window and what stupid ‘something’ are you doing peeking inside the room?’
The bastard still stood there and replied,
‘I never knew you were home and you don’t have the right to talk to me like that, I said I was doing something and it doesn’t concern you!’
         By this time, I was fully awake and shocked. The bastard was still peeking. I told my roomate to close the window but she couldn’t, I couldn’t either ‘cos we’ll be giving the bastard a lustier view.
‘ how dare you talk like you own the place! It will be better if you respect yourself,’
I was mild ‘ cos I discovered the guy’s one of my neighbor’s friends and they smoke an drink a lot. I didn’t want to hurt his ego to the point of him seeking revenge. You never know how stupidly an savagely they think, but I admit I’’m going too soft. However myroomate refused to think along the same lines with me….
‘what is that nonsense about never knowing we’re home!’, she sreamed [oh man, she was really riled up that day I tell you] ‘you saw us this morning and you sure as hell are seeing us now, you pevert, stupid he-goat’ [ her favourite name for guys who pissed her off], ‘just get out of there, bastard’.
The fool went away but when he heard th e ‘ bastard’ he came again, this time peeking through the oter window. I tell you, my sixth sense always,ok not always, tell me when somethng is about to happen, I’m sure what he saw that day was joust my hair, shoulders & legs[ I was lying face down] , it’s not bad.
"are you talking to me?" he asked.
"yes am talking to you! How can you peek into another person’s room, you sex deprived id…"
"lucy, let him go" I said to my roomate, to the fool I said in a cold voice, "if you love your ass and eyes, you will leave now"
"you don’t have any right talking to me like that" he said again all the while peeking.
" are you stupid, didn’t you hear a LADY, leave the window or do you want me to scream ?[I wondered what to call what she’s doing at the moment if not screaming], you useless…." I cut in in a controlled, chilled voice,
"leave now".
       This time he left. For the next thirty minutes my roomie was still ranting about him, talking about how he was so flesh-starved he had to be looking at somone’s body, but I couldn’t get angry, no matter how hard I tried, I was laughing so hard about the scene and lucy made it all the funnier with that muderous look on her face.. oh man..see, it’s one of those things that makes the day bearable when you’re home.
My front door neighbor has a bunch of irritating, stupid friends. I remember, another of his friends who, every morning, around six thirty, will come to the back of our window to urinate , and not just a normal urine, a really smelly one lasting about five mins before he zips up. You can just imagine waking up from a nice dream to the sound of someone urinating. Yeah I know. Disgusting. It took the threats and abuses and cursing of my roomate and I to get him to stop. Another of his friends used eyeshadow and lipstick [a gu!] one day. They are a weird bunch, but better than the ego filled idiots living in the next copound. Those ones are like fake, proud bastards who ‘cos they can speak a spattering of english, feel as if they owned the wirld. Funny isn’t it, when people you admire from a distance are just like maggots in a pitlatrine or worse.
      Maybe, I’m reacting so bitterly against them ‘cos o the way they act towards me ‘cos thay sure drool over lucy. Yeah I don’t dipute the fact that I’m thin. In fact I’m so thin that I go into depression and often deny myself good things over it. I lost a guy over it [and believe me am still hurting] and I’m yet to get aguy ‘cos of it. I don’tget to wear clthes I want because of it and I get so much abused and taunted because of it. Sad, isn’t it?
          I’m getting depressed sitting on my bony ass all day wishing I’ve got someone who would really appreciate me for who I am, so I just decided to confide in you, dear journal, from now onwards. I won’t bother you with boring events, like what I ate or some other stupid thing, I’ll just tell you exciting events in my life which happens about…let me see…maybe once in a month.
shit and roses happen

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